On Saturday, December 12, 1998, I participated in a prayer vigil held at the Sewell Community Baptist Church in Sewell, New Jersey. While I was praying and meditating I felt God was calling me to start a ministry. In the days to follow it became clearer to me what God wanted me to do. The name Awaken America Ministries came to me. The direction for the ministry was to awaken America to a closer relationship to Jesus Christ. We were to sound the wake up call to churches across America and help turn our country from the direction it is headed. It wasn’t long after this I was given the opportunity to preach on a Sunday morning at the Sewell Community Baptist Church. On Sunday, January 31, 1999, I preached the sermon, “Are You Ready to Move.” I announced that God had called me to start Awaken America Ministries. I began filling out and submitting the necessary papers and on March 30, 1999, we were incorporated. God has been providing for us as we began to move. He helped us through the process of establishing the ministry as a 501 (c) (3),non-profit tax exempt organization with the I. R. S. The next project was to set up our non-profit mailing permit for the bulk mailing to every church in America. Again God provided and worked this out for us. We have begun our mailings and also are sharing with churches through programs we put on, what God wants people in America to do. We pray that God has touched your heart to be open to His will and that you will make a difference for Him in your homes, work places, and communities. If each of us do this we can turn America once again to truly be One Nation under God.
God’s servant – Jack Mays